This is YOUR New Home for ALL UK and Isle of Man
 Enthusiastic, Fanatical, Motorcycling Freemasons - Present and Past!
 We have been travelling the Length and Breadth
 of the Country since 2000 When there was only ONE Motorcycling Lodge
Now there are now, at the last count, FOURTEEN:
 ELEVEN Craft, TWO Mark and ONE RAM Motorcycling Lodges
is where WE come in -
To Connect all M/C Lodges in One Central Place!
Events/ Calendar of Meetings, Rides and Social Functions
& Supporting Charity
In 2017 we are attempting to raise £50,000
to fund the 'Lifelites' Installation at Rebecca House Childrens Hospice
On the Isle of Man & We need YOUR help!
Please get your Master, Secretary or Charity Steward to contact:
Mike Fahey Tel: 07850 167 555 or email:
To find out how your M/C Lodge can join in and support this important effort.
It will not involve much work but will bring Great Credit & Satisfaction to your Lodge